How to Choose Reliable Course-by-Course Evaluation Services?

Do you need reliable information on course-by-course evaluation? Here we, Document Evaluations, have brought you more accurate and precise knowledge. Having years of experience in this field, we know that goodwill and authenticity are way more important than financial benefits at the initial stage of a partnership with a company. That is why the strategy of building trust is the first step in the credential evaluation process. In addition to offering the best and most exclusive credential evaluation services for international academic and professional qualifications, we also provide rapid and holistic services, including all of our reports prepared by well-known field professors. If you wish to read more about the topic of course evaluation, coming across this blog will be quite beneficial.

Additionally, we provide straightforward and comprehensive services such as academic assessment, course assessment, letter of recommendation, work experience recommendation, and RFE service. We provide an individual approach to highly qualified global students or professionals in search of an honest corporation that will enable them to act according to the norms so that they can get their degrees recognized in the United States. That is where we make sure there is a smooth transition in their academic and career trajectories. Continuing with the topic of what is course-by-course evaluation, we will find out that in simple non-academic language, Suppose one has already studied in a country other than the United States and now you want to do further study or a job in the United States.

Once again, the problem that you are likely to face in this institution is the abnormality of the academic qualifications with the US accreditation system. It will cause Americans to develop confusion when they are reviewing your foreign education credentials. This is where a course-by-course evaluation comes forward. There are several reasons as to why a course-by-course evaluation is recommended, as shown below. This way, a citation serves the purpose of converting your academic gains and courses to a format familiar and easily interpretable by Americans and will be deemed as experience.

How can document evaluation provide you with the best services?

We are committed to responding to our client’s needs and requests through ongoing service changes. In course-by-course evaluation, we provide a comprehensive review of your foreign educational credentials to make equivalent US credentials. Thus, this document contains data about your institution, your institution’s name and accreditation, data about the degree, the degree’s name, the duration of the studies, the date when they will begin and when they will end, and entrance requirements. Every course that you undertook is dissected, showing the credits and the grades obtained, as well as trying to match them in the American GPA system. To be even more specific, you might consult our course-by-course evaluation sample.

Do not worry. Getting an evaluation from us is simple. The digital procedure we undertake enables you to be updated at all times, as your evaluation will be completed in three days or less. This evaluation enables US colleges as well as employers to comprehend your education and enables further studies, work opportunities, or immigration. In some cases, transcripts and certificates must be provided and translated for a smooth and quick transition to the next level.

  • Pocket-friendly prices
  • A short and hassle-free process
  • Provide expedited services in case of an emergency.
  • A 24-hour facility is available.
  • Expert and up-to-date information about professors
  • There should always be proper communication at any stage of the process.

Course-by-course evaluation cost and process time

Carrying on further concerning the course-by-course evaluation, let us discuss how you can get enrolled in it and how long it will take. Firstly, you can write to us on the website for document evaluations. Or you can send an email. You will need help for 24 hours; our team is always ready to support you and helps to give a clear follow-up of every step. Information regarding the requirements for the filing of such cases, like the documents that have to be tendered and the fees chargeable, can easily be accessed on the Internet. Also, there are self-interested concerns to ensure the clients fully understand the process going on.

Apart from this, if you are interested in knowing the overall price for the evaluation cost of every course by course, then it will depend on the services that need to be performed. Here is the cost, and on the right side is the number of days the process may take.

5-7 days$450
3-4 days$500
1-3 days$530

For more credential evaluation service pricing, click here. 

Here is our easiest and shortest four-step process.

1. Discuss your assignment’s aims and goals during an online registration process or a live call to determine the best package to book.

2. Case preparation An expert will work on the case to prepare a special report to present to you.

3. Document Collection Select the desired service plan, and you will receive a list of documents to provide and send to the company.

4. Last Submission When you find a moment to review and approve the draft report, we will forward the final electronic copy of the completed report in PDF format with the professor’s signature.


Therefore, we are confident that the blog, course-by-course evaluation USA, includes the exact details you have been looking for. As the market’s most preferred credential evaluation company, we provide many necessary and complementary services to our clients to ensure they have the best experience possible with us. In addition, we give you an account of the foreign academic qualifications that you have earned and how they are measured in terms of the US system. It also aids in gaining academic or professional affiliation because it helps institutions and employers in the United States appreciate the level of education.